2024 SSTIR Crazy Month Was Supported By

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Safety | Sustainability | Trust
Insurance | Regulations
February is SSTIR Crazy Month

This all began with a LinkedIn post by Justin Ford as he lamented the relatively poor attendance at conference sessions in 2023 on safety topics.
Presentations that have more direct impact on the bottom line such as guest experience, revenue management, marketing and owner acquisition are likely to be more popular when alongside the less ‘sexy’ topics of regulations, sustainability, and insurance.
We want to bring these foundational issues to the forefront and get more focus on the aspects of our business that can actually make or break it.
After all, a guest complaint due to a cleaner not showing up, or the monetary loss of failing to adjust pricing for a significant event, becomes insignificant in light of a liability claim due to negligence or limiting legislation that comes into force because no-one was paying attention.
Each week during the month of February, we shinned a light on one of these core business elements - Safety, Sustainability, Trust, Insurance and Regulations….hence SSTIR!
With panel discussions and dedicated podcast episodes, blog posts and other resources, you’ll come away from each topic armed with plenty of material to make your business stronger and based on a sound footing for future success.
Register now to get full access to all the blog posts, podcasts and panel replays from the 2024 SSTIR Crazy Month
Check your email in the coming days for your itinerary...
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