
The Unsung Heroes of Vacation Rental Success: The Importance and Value of Cleaning and Maintenance Teams

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We had a real eyeopener when coaching one of our incredible THRIVE clients this week.

Too often in the marketing material for THRIVE and in coaching calls we had been using the phrase,

“THRIVE will be of value to everyone from the experienced CEO right down to the newest cleaner.”

Our client mentioned the use of the phrase,

‘Down to the cleaner.’

Much attention is often given to marketing strategies, booking platforms, and guest relations. However, there lies a critical component that frequently remains underappreciated yet is fundamental to the industry's success: the cleaning and maintenance teams.

These dedicated professionals are the backbone of a property management company (PMC), ensuring that every guest enjoys a magical experience.

Unfortunately, their contributions are often seen as mere support services rather than integral parts of the team. It's time to reframe this narrative and recognize these teams as the jewels in the crown of vacation rental management.

The Vital Role of Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance teams are the unsung heroes who ensure that properties are not only presentable but also safe and functional.

Their work directly impacts the guest experience from the moment a booking is made until the guest departs. A spotless, well-maintained property speaks volumes about the attention to detail and care a company invests in its service, building trust and loyalty among guests.

According to a study by the American Hotel & Lodging Association,

"81% of guests consider cleanliness the most crucial factor when deciding where to stay."

The same study found that properties with high cleanliness ratings were 20% more likely to receive repeat guests. This underscores the importance of a well-trained and motivated cleaning team in achieving business success.

Overcoming the Support Service Stigma

Despite their critical role, cleaning and maintenance teams often face a lack of recognition and respect within the Vacation Rental industry and just about every other industry.

This can be attributed to the perception of their work as low-skilled or menial, leading to undervaluation. This mindset needs to shift, acknowledging these teams as essential contributors to the overall guest experience and company success.

The THRIVE Training System emphasizes the importance of every team member's role, including those in cleaning and maintenance. By aligning team culture with core values of Trust, Hospitality, Responsibility, and a Vibrant Environment, PMCs can foster a more inclusive and respectful workplace. This approach not only enhances team morale but also improves service quality and operational efficiency.

The Impact of Recognition and Support

Recognizing and supporting cleaning and maintenance teams helps to change company culture perceptions with them as support staff to the cornerstone of a PMC's success.

When these teams are given the proper training, tools, and respect, they are empowered to excel in their roles. This, in turn, leads to better property upkeep, higher guest satisfaction, and, ultimately, greater business success.

A well-supported cleaning team not only ensures properties are guest-ready but also contributes significantly to the operational efficiency of a PMC. By providing ongoing training, fair compensation, and opportunities for advancement, PMCs can cultivate a motivated and skilled workforce that takes pride in their work.

Creating a Magical Guest Experience

A magical guest experience begins with the first impression, which is often the cleanliness and condition of the property. Guests expect a welcoming environment that feels like a home away from home. This expectation can only be met through the diligent efforts of cleaning and maintenance teams.

We know that hospitality extends beyond mere accommodation. It involves creating memorable experiences through attention to detail and a genuine desire to delight guests. Cleaning and maintenance teams play a crucial role in this by ensuring that every aspect of the property is impeccable and ready to impress.

How to Value and Support Your Vacation Rental Cleaning Teams

To truly value and support cleaning and maintenance teams, PMCs should take practical steps that go beyond mere acknowledgment. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Provide Comprehensive and Ongoing Training: 

Equip teams with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their tasks efficiently and safely, and it will also allow them to feel accomplished. Don’t stop at initial onboarding training but seek opportunities for your teams to receive ongoing and verified training.

The THRIVE system offers tailored training that aligns with the core values of Trust, Hospitality, Responsibility, and a Vibrant Environment, ensuring that all team members are well-prepared and motivated.

2. Offer Fair Compensation and Benefits:

Competitive pay and benefits are essential in recognizing the importance of these roles. This not only helps in retaining skilled workers but also attracts new talent to the industry. Compare your rates to your competitors and make sure you are paying your teams the best with the best-supporting culture.

3. Create Opportunities for Advancement:

Offer clear career paths and opportunities for growth within the company. This could include additional training, certifications, and the possibility of moving into supervisory or managerial roles and even retraining to other positions in which team members are excited to become involved.

4. Foster a Positive Work Environment:

A vibrant work environment where team members feel valued and respected can significantly impact their performance and job satisfaction.

Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and create a culture of mutual respect and support. Be sure to celebrate your cleaning and maintenance teams and ensure your whole company is aware fo their value as well.

5. Implement Feedback Mechanisms:

Regularly seek feedback from cleaning and maintenance teams to understand their challenges and areas for improvement. This not only helps in addressing any issues promptly but also makes the team feel heard and valued. Include their thoughts and opinions via company townhall meetings and recognize the people who go out of their way to create solutions to company problems.

Cleaning and maintenance teams are the heartbeat of any successful vacation rental property management company. Their work ensures that guests enjoy a magical experience, which is crucial for achieving high satisfaction rates and repeat business. 

By recognizing their value, providing proper support and training, and fostering a positive work environment, PMCs can turn these essential roles into the jewel in their crown.

The future of vacation rental success lies in embracing a holistic approach where every team member, from the front desk down to... strike that... all the way up to the cleaning crew, is valued and empowered. 

The THRIVE Training System offers a blueprint for achieving this by aligning team culture with core values and creating an environment where everyone can excel. By doing so, PMCs not only enhance their service delivery but also set a new standard for excellence in the industry.

In the words of our Head of Education Heather Bayer,

“Investing in your cleaning and maintenance teams is not just about keeping properties clean; it's about building a foundation of trust, excellence, and sustainability that will propel your business to new heights.”

Let's give these unsung heroes the recognition and support they deserve, transforming them into the true stars of vacation rental management.

Mike Bayer

Co-Founder & CEO

Vacation Rental Formula
Every superstar talent needs a producer to help keep the ship on course, and Mike has held this role since their idea for an online vacation rental education resource was first formed in 2004. Being an adult educator, multi-media creator, STR property maintenance expert, and online marketing enthusiast makes Mike's contribution wide but valuable on many levels.


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